
Gratitude #Giveaway $10 Gift Card

Time for the Gratitude Giveaway hosted by Kathy.

What are YOU grateful for?

Positive psychology research shows that acknowledging our gratitudes can make us happier. So I’m giving you the opportunity to do just that in the giveaway.

I’m grateful for my two sisters. They’re fun, smart, kind, and beautiful. One of these days I’ll beat Laurie in Words With Friends (she cheats, I swear) and maybe I’ll cave to Susan’s constant cajoling for me to move near her in South Carolina.

I’m blessed to have siblings I call my friends. It makes all the teasing from childhood worth it!

And thank YOU, awesome readers, for making my new release Blocked a top seller among volleyball books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

214 thoughts on “Gratitude #Giveaway $10 Gift Card”

  1. I am grateful for having two wonderful parents that were open minded and caring! They molded me into the person that I am today and even though when I was younger I seemed unappreciative, I am so thankful for them both today!


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