
L is for Lessons from RT

I’m attending my first writers’ conference! *clicks heels* The Romantic Times Convention in Chicago has been a lot of fun so far, and I want to share some tidbits with you.

In the “Kiss Me, Kill Me: Writing Action Scenes for Romance” seminar, writers Larissa Ione and others advised making the reasons for the fight personal. No one cares about an action scene unless there are high stakes for the hero and heroine.

There were married couples on the panel and they said they’d choreograph the action scenes together in real life, to increase authenticity. Sounds like I need to get me an author hubs to do this. 😉

Next was my favorite seminar, on Romantic Suspense. Here’s a great author, Cindy Gerard, with Roxanne Rustand to her left:

I can’t wait to read the next book in Cindy’s Black Ops Inc. series. These authors recommended the macfreedom program to shut off the internet while writing. (I need this!)

Finally the Young Adult panel was a hoot. Stephanie Perkins, author of Anna and the French Kiss, is just as cute as her stories. Check out her red hair!

She and others advised not to write for the market, but to write what you’re passionate about. They also had a “Hunger Games” battle to argue if first person or third person POV was better. There was no clear winner, and the moderator Sarah Rees Brennan had to forgo killing off the losing authors. 😉

Stay tuned for my “M” post when I share marketing tips from Bob Mayer!

8 thoughts on “L is for Lessons from RT”

  1. I have yet to attend my first writers' conference! *gasp* I will, I WILL! :)Glad you had fun. The YA portions sounds so awesome!


  2. Hope you enjoy the conference! I love going to them; they're so energizing. I couldn't sleep the first night of my first conference. There was so much information and so many like-minded people to meet. Stopping by from A to Z to say 'hi'!


  3. Jack, the other YA authors on the panel were Nancy Holder, Melissa Marr, Kelley Armstrong, & Melissa de la Cruz. Since I'm not into paranormal I didn't know them but they are all quite popular!Dawn, that's so cute you were so excited that it was hard to sleep. Rarely can something interrupt my sleep (I swear I could get 9 hours a night consecutively if not for the damn alarm clock) but I totally get the excitement of it all! I was pleased to meet some folks from my publisher.


  4. I envy you the chance of going to the conference. Sigh, as a rare blood courier, I never have the spare time. DayStar offers to sell me the time, but I think his price would be too steep! 🙂 I look forward to the marketing advise tomorrow, Roland


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