
THE REDEMPTION OF EMMA DEVINE by @Nancee_Cain #Review #Giveaway

The Redemption of Emma Devine
by Nancee Cain
Series: Pine Bluff, #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer:  Shannon Lumetta
Photographer:  Chantell Reid
Release Date: October 19, 2017

After the upheaval of being dumped by his girlfriend, David Patterson leads a quiet life as a high school teacher in the small Southern town of Pine Bluff, Alabama. Soon to enroll in seminary, his dreams are within his grasp.

But a chance encounter with Emma Devine changes everything. She’s on the run, desperate, and surviving by any means possible. His pastor’s heart longs to help her—and the rest of him is rather intrigued as well.

His random act of kindness brings them together, but Emma makes an unfathomable decision—one that threatens to destroy two lives, though her intention is to save one.

Four years later, Emma returns, seeking redemption. But can David—whose dreams took a very different course after their last meeting—forgive her and risk losing everything?

The Redemption of Emma Devine (A Pine Bluff Novel, #2)The Redemption of Emma Devine by Nancee Cain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Redemption in the Arms of a Good Man

In book one of the Pine Bluff series, The Resurrection of Dylan McAthie, David Patterson was the third wheel in a love triangle. Therefore, I didn’t root for him. He was a goody-two-shoes almost preacher who paled in comparison to the glittery rock star, Dylan.

But David shines so bright in this story! His integrity makes me swoony. He saves Emma’s life and is a guiding force behind her redemption.

David first encounters desperate Emma when she shoplifts peanut butter. He tries to help her, but then she shoplifts his heart. When she returns years later, can he forgive her crime?

I felt heartbroken for David when Emma’s actions ended his career dreams. The fact that he enacts kindness like saving a photo of Emma for Kensington is evidence of his pure, loving heart. The way he calls Emma “honey” is so endearing. It’s also awesome when he stands up to his mother assertively and respectfully.

And David sees the good in others, especially Emma:

“Your lovely eyes haunt me. They always have. These eyes have witnessed more of the disgusting, atrocious side of this world than I can imagine, yet they still reflect goodness and compassion. They still light up when they see those they love.”

The characters, conflicts, and communication difficulties all feel genuine in this story, and their resolution leaves a deep satisfaction. Just like in the first book, there’s Southern charm and fun humor, like the two “For Dummies” books owned by Emma and David.

Can’t wait for the next Pine Bluff novel! Excellent writing.

View all my reviews

Paperback:  Amazon

During the day, Nancee Cain works as a nurse/counselor in the field of addiction to support her coffee and reading habit. Nights are spent writing paranormal and contemporary romances with a serrated edge.

Authors are her rock stars, and she’s been known to stalk a few for an autograph, but not in a scary, Stephen King way. Her husband swears her To-Be-Read list qualifies her as a certifiable book hoarder.

Always looking to try something new, she dreams of being an extra in a Bollywood film, or a tattoo artist. (Her lack of rhythm and artistic ability may put a damper on both of these dreams.)

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