
Embrace Change!

Today I’m a Release Party Guest Host for Cherie Colyer, who’s celebrating the release of her debut Young Adult novel . . . Embrace !


Facing change

By Cherie Colyer

When I was getting to know Madison Riley, the main character in my young adult novel Embrace, I discovered she’s a girl who hates change. For her, change has never been good and as familiar as she is with it, she hates everything about it. To Madison, a statement like “your life’s about to change, and there’s nothing you can do about it” is just about the worst news she can receive.

Understanding just how much Madison dreads change made it easy for me to know what obstacles she would have to face and possibly overcome. Being able to relate with her aversion to the whole subject helped me to get inside her head and to share her emotions. In fact, it was this characteristic in particular that became the theme of this party.

If you have a story about embracing change, I’d love to hear it.

I hope you’re enjoying the party. Remember to leave a comment on each stop for a chance to win the grand prize.


Embrace Launch Party Guest Posts!

Jennifer DeLucy Blog: Writing Embrace – From Idea to Release

Kym’s Quips: The Research Behind to Story

Once Upon A *Spark*: Mythology Behind Madison’s World

Nicki Elson’s Not-So-Deep Thoughts: Bring on the Romance

Jennifer Lane Books Blog: Facing Change

Embrace Launch Party Posts!

Susan Kaye Quinn, Conjuring Tales for Young Minds

Kim Winters, Kat’s Eye Journal

Carole, the life of fiction

Mina Burrows, books for paranormal & mystic minds

Joseph Rinaldo, Read Rinaldo

Angela Brown, in a Pursuit of Publishness

Debra Anastasia, Tell me a Story

Colleen Wagner, London Relocation



a novel by Cherie Colyer

clip_image001Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates everything about it. Change took her long-term boyfriend away from her. It caused one of her friends to suddenly hate her. It’s responsible for the death of a local along with a host of other mysterious happenings. But when Madison meets a hot new guy, she thinks her luck is about to improve.

Madison is instantly drawn to the handsome and intriguing Isaac Addington. She quickly realizes he’s a guy harboring a secret, but she’s willing to risk the unknown to be with him.

Her world really spins out of control, however, when her best friend becomes delusional, seeing things that aren’t there and desperately trying to escape their evil. When the doctors can’t find the answers, Madison seeks her own.

Nothing can prepare her for what she is about to discover.


Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter


Prizes: To celebrate the release of her debut novel, Cherie is giving away an eCopy of EMBRACE and 5-Embrace Hemp Bracelets today. There are three ways to win:

1) Leave a comment here or at any of the Party Posts.

2) Tweet about the Virtual Party or any of the Party Posts with tag #EMBRACEnovels


Nothing could have prepared her for what she’s about to discover. #EMBRACEnovels @CherieColyer #YA avail NOW http://www.cheriecolyer.blogspot.com


Celebrate the launch of EMBRACE by @CherieColyer #EMBRACEnovels #paranormal #YA avail NOW http://www.cheriecolyer.blogspot.com

3) Facebook (tag Cherie Colyer, author) about the Virtual Party.


Celebrate the launch of teen paranormal thriller/romance novel EMBRACE by Cherie Colyer, author and enter for a chance to win Embrace prizes! http://www.cheriecolyer.blogspot.com

Do all three and you will have three times the chances to win! Leave a comment at each stop of the tour for a chance to win the Grand Prize.

If you haven’t already, remember to stop back by Cherie’s blog or click here to fill out the form to ensure your entry is counted.

7 thoughts on “Embrace Change!”

  1. Hey Jennifer! And hmm, I've had a ton of change to Embrace recently. I've had so much actually that my motto has become, \”Do whatever's next.\” Not day by day. Moment by moment. It's lovely to have a nice group of friends and family to rely on when things get crazy.


  2. @Cherie, big time congratulations!@Debra, no doubt you've had major change in your life of late, girl. Thank goodness you and your family are safe.@Susan, there's a wonderful theory about change called the Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model by Prochaska and DiClemente. Maybe I'll write about that in a future post–thanks for the idea!


  3. Cherie, your life is about to change. Haha, not really – but is about to get a whole lot busier (as I think you've already seen). But in a very good way. ;)Yes, yes, Jennifer, please do write about the stages of change!


  4. I've always been averse to change initially, typically liking things the way they are and wanting them to stay the same, but usually when change happens anyway it ends up being for the better:) Someone telling me my life was going to change would definitely cause me stress though, I can understand Madison's feelings!


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