
Giveaway & Interview with Jessica Subject

Today Iā€™m interviewing author Jessica Subject. I met her through her great blog Mark of the Stars and really enjoyed her short story Celestial Seduction (see my review HERE.) The story reminded me a little of the Jeff Bridges movie Starman.

Simply leave a comment on this blog to enter the giveaway for your own copy of Celestial Seduction! The giveaway ends Friday 9/9/11.

Jennifer Lane (JL): Welcome to the blog, Jessica! I’m intrigued by your journey to publication. How did you become a writer?

Jessica Subject (JS): Thank you for having me, Jennifer! šŸ™‚ I was on maternity leave with my second child with my first child in school. My oldest was learning how to read, but struggling and fighting with us every day. I thought if I could write a book about something she was interested in, it might give her more encouragement to read. The story I started for her turned into something more geared for adults, so I ended up writing a different book for her about her stuffed unicorn. I also continued with the other story and haven’t stopped writing since then. Through twitter, facebook and following author and agent blogs, I’ve learned so much, including the importance of a critique group. And now that I’m published, I continue to learn, but my group of teachers has expanded to include more authors, my editor and publisher.

JL: What a great story about starting your writing career. I read in your bio that aliens formerly scared you but writing about them has endeared you to all things extraterrestrial. Tell us more!

JS: I wasn’t always afraid of aliens, but a couple movies (The Arrival and Signs) had me paranoid that aliens were hiding in the dark recesses of the farmhouse I used to live at. But I realized not all alien movies included alien out to abduct humans, including my favorite superhero, Superman. I got over it and made the aliens in my fiction fun. I mean, no matter how hard we speculate what life on other planets is like and why they would visit Earth, we truly don’t know.

JL: Oo, Signs was indeed creepy. What’s your favorite book about aliens? Favorite movie?

JS: My favorite alien series would have to be that by Gini Koch. Of the three published so far, I think they’re all great and can’t say I like one over the other. Even in alien movies, I have so many favorites, including Star Trek (2009), Avatar, Men In Black and Independence Day.

JL: Celestial Seduction features a “one-night-stand” dating service. I know you’re married with kids–what’s been your experience with internet dating? (Perhaps laughing at your single friends’ experiences?)

JS: Honestly, I’ve never used the internet for anything more than flirting with people I already knew when I was still single. The internet and dating services have come a long was since then. I don’t plan on being in the position to date again, but I’d still be reluctant to arrange a date over the internet. I’ve heard good and bad stories. I have made some great friends though and hope to meet them in the future.

JL: How would friends describe your personality?

JS: Busy. Most people ask me how I do everything that I do, including find time to write, but it has to be this way for me or else I’ll go crazy or maybe I’m already there. After all, I do have voices in my head. I call them characters. šŸ™‚

JL: Celestial Seduction is a short story. How did you choose the length of the story? What do you like about short stories?

JS: I wrote this story with the intentions of submitting it to Decadent Publishing for their 1 Night Stand series. According to their detail sheet, submissions must be 7-12K words. It was a challenge for me to write a short story though as everything I’d written before had been at least 50K. I learned a lot along the way and continue to write short novellas.

JL: What’s next for you on the writing horizon?

JS: I have another 1 Night Stand story coming soon from Decadent Publishing called Beneath the Starry Sky. There is a common character in both stories, but they are separate stories. I also have several other projects on the go.

JL: Thanks for visiting, Jessica.

JS: Thanks for having me, Jennifer! I appreciate your support.

Readers, go out and get your copy of this fantastic story! Jessica is helping you by giving away an e-book of Celestial Seduction for commenting on this post through 9/9/11.

21 thoughts on “Giveaway & Interview with Jessica Subject”

  1. Of course, I'm already very aware of Jessica and her work, but I had to comment on the internet dating.I kid my husband that I'd advertise in the Home Handyman magazine: Me: I have tools. You: You know how to use them. Let's talk DIY around my house.


  2. My sister had a bad experience with a dating site. That's how she met her ex-husband, who turned out to be a real jerk. Thanks for the giveaway.marlenebreakfield(at)yahoo(dot)com


  3. Sounds like a good idea for a novel, Marlene. I also know people who have married after meeting online (my sister met her great husband in speed dating) so I guess it has its pros and cons.


  4. I met my other half through online dating. My experience of it was 99% positive. I'm always interested in how other authors get into writing for publishing verses only for themselves. Great interview.


  5. I've already read Celestial Seduction (and loved it!) so you don't have to enter me into the contest. I just wanted to stop by and read Jessica's fabulous interview!


  6. @Marva – My hubby is very handy around the house. He's about to start renovations for my new office. I couldn't imagine not having him around. @Marlene – As I said, I've heard good and bad. Either way, I'd be leery.@Carol – I'm happy you've had a good experience with online dating. Thanks for stopping by! :)@Heather – Thanks for stopping by and for your continued support! šŸ™‚


  7. Okay, just picked a name using Random.org.The winner is… Mizzez Melly Mel!! Congratulations! And thank you to everyone else for your support.If you'd like swag, email me @ jessicasubject.writer[at]gmail[dot]com


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