insecure writers support group, writing

Insecure Writers Support Group: Battling Fatigue

Created by Alex Cavanaugh, join us here.

Thanks to this month’s co-hosts Janet Alcorn, Pat Garcia, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence!

Is the COVID-19 crisis over yet? I’m feeling drained from pandemic fatigue and long work hours. I haven’t written in some time, but I still plan on resuming when the mood strikes.

I hope your writing mojo and energy levels are feeling strong these days!

If not, how do you energize when you’re feeling low?

18 thoughts on “Insecure Writers Support Group: Battling Fatigue”

  1. Sorry you’re feeling drained. It feels like we’re at least experiencing a lull with COVID, but I don’t think it’s done. I like to exercise, read, and watch TV to recharge. Hope you feel energized soon.

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    1. The lull is very welcome, Natalie! I read your IWSG post, and H.N.’s book sounds interesting. Keep trucking on your manuscript–you’re making great progress! ❤


  2. Oof, I’m right there with you. So ready to be done with COVID. And my writing mojo has wandered off without me again. I hope you’re able to find your way back to the page and a rich creative life!

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