
One Lesson I’ve Learned as a Writer #IWSG #amwriting

Happy July to All Writers! Hop on the Insecure Writers Support Group train HERE.

How is your writing? Mine has grown less and less frequent over the years. But I AM still writing! I’m excited about my romantic suspense WIP–it’s just that my day job has grown in scope and I don’t write if I travel on the weekends. 

As I write this post, I’m in Nashville, visiting a good friend who moved here recently. We cooked quite a few dishes for his brother’s July 4th party, including spicy grits, pimento dip, banana pudding, spiked lemonade, and red velvet brownie stars.

IWSG Question: What is one valuable lesson you’ve learned since you started writing?

I could fill pages with all I’ve learned since I started writing ten years ago, but I’ll narrow it down to this:

Use punchy action verbs instead of adverbs.

Instead of Joe ran quickly … Joe dashed.

Instead of She looked frantically through her purse … She rummaged through her purse.

My debut novel, With Good Behavior, was full of adverbs and bloated writing. I sliced 30,000 words and my publisher will re-release the tighter version soon. I cut the book down to its fighting weight!

Check out this pdf by Deanna Carlyle, 1000 Verbs to Write By.

Thank you to Alex Cavanaugh and this month’s Co-Hosts:

7 thoughts on “One Lesson I’ve Learned as a Writer #IWSG #amwriting”

  1. Ooh, spicy grits! Hope you had a great holiday away, and good for you keeping up w/ your writing even w/ your busy schedule. Hooray for actionny verbs! I wonder why we all gravitate to soo maaany adverbs when we're newbie writers.


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