
#IWSG Dusting Off Old Manuscripts

Happy March Insecure Writers Support Group!

Hop over to Alex Cavanaugh’s blog to join us.


I’m late to post this month because work has been so busy and my friends are going through some big changes. One friend’s husband just died, and another good friend (my swimming buddy) is moving to Nashville. *sad face* But it’s good to hang with my writer pals in the support group!

March IWSG Day Question: Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it? Did it work out?

Well, I’m actually doing that right now so the outcome is yet to be seen. I started a romantic suspense novel titled Twin Sacrifice back in 2009, and I’m dusting it off to rework it. I haven’t had much time to write lately but I hope to get cranking soon.

Write on, friends!

4 thoughts on “#IWSG Dusting Off Old Manuscripts”

  1. I'm sorry for your friend's loss. My prayers go out to her. I'm working on an old story too. (Have been for several months.) It's been fun to be back with the characters. Happy writing!


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