
Oscars Party? Oui!

With the Academy Awards just around the corner, I’m gearing up for my annual Oscars party. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE movies. Camped out in a dark theater as the opening credits roll, chewing on popcorn or Junior Mints, hearing the music swell . . . there’s nothing like it.

Movies inspire me to write, too. If I could ever craft a romance as soft and tragic and beautiful as the one between Rose and Jack in Titanic, I wouldn’t stop smiling for days. And if one day one of my novels became a movie . . . THAT would be incredible!

I try to see most of the best picture nominees before the show. What’s been your favorite this year?

I’ve seen these four and I vote for The Descendents. I loved the realism of the characters, especially the teenage daughter portrayed by Shailene Woodley. All were excellent, though.
Because Midnight in Paris and Hugo took place in Paris, we decided to have a French theme for the party. I consulted with guest and Francophile Eric to plan the menu, and here’s what we’re serving:
Orange Blossom cocktails
Wine, wine, and more wine!
Baguettes with an array of French cheeses (brie, etc.) and grapes
Fruit skewers drizzled with honey wine sauce
Mushroom Duxelles
Steamed asparagus with lemon
Chocolate Bombe
And the Oscar goes to . . . Chocolate Bombe. 😉 I wanted to serve these yummy fruit tarts I could buy at a French pâtisserie, but Eric told me the French don’t serve those at night. *pouts*
Hey, enough about movies. Stay tuned for Saturday Feb. 25th when several YA blogs, including A Tale of Many Reviews, will reveal the COVER for my next novel, Streamline!!!
On to the Omnific Publishing Author Blog Bounce. Bounce over for instructions HERE. All are welcome.

17 thoughts on “Oscars Party? Oui!”

  1. I've seen The Help (enjoyed it), The Artist (meh), Incredibly Close and Extremely Dangerous (really really liked it but the title's hard to get right), and Midnight in Paris (LOVED IT).Your Oscar party sounds like it will be a blast!


  2. How can you throw a French party and not ask me about it? *pouts*Bravo Jen for the idea though.Ps : I serve fruit tart at night if I want…just saying. ;)If it's not too late, you could add a quiche lorraine : http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/quichelorraine_71987It's easy to cook and delicious (gruyere cheese or emmental instead of cheddar, I don't put thyme) If you do it in a square baking tray, you can then cut little squares and put it on your table for apéritif.Bon appétit!Cécile


  3. A book cover for your next novel, Jen – that's exciting. I'll be checking it out.As far as our books being made into movies, I say \”Absolutely!\” I believe anything is possible and can manifest. What a party that would be if one of our Omnific sisters had a movie made. I'd come to that in a heart beat.Feather


  4. Ooh, cover reveal – tres exciting. (just trying to stick w/ your French theme. ;)) The party sounds so fun!!! I've not seen a-one of those movies. 😦 The one people keep telling me they just know I would like is Midnight in Paris, if that counts for anything.


  5. L.G., The Help was excellent. I wouldn't mind if that won best picture but I sense The Descendents are going to win since the majority of the Academy is white old men! The Artist is something different and special, and the dog in the movie steals the show.


  6. Karen, I also loved Midnight in Paris–some of the artist references were over my head though. Loved the actress who played Picasso's mistress. Did you like the dog in The Artist, though? ;)Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close? I don't know the title either! It's good to hear you gave it the thumbs up.


  7. Cécile,*sheepish look* I knew you might be upset I didn't consult with my French expert! But the theme just came to me a couple of days ago and I've been uber busy. Merci for your ideas. We were going to add one more item to the menu and Eric was thinking chicken cordon bleu but we might go for quiche!Bon appétit a vous!Jen


  8. Feather, I'm with you.\”What a party that would be if one of our Omnific sisters had a movie made. I'd come to that in a heart beat.\”No kidding! That would be incredible. I know one of our sisters was approached by a film company but I don't know where that stands. I guess it's really rare to have it come to fruition.I started The Guardian Wildchild yesterday and it's very intriguing!


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